CURRENT PROJECTS Elderly Men’s Dilapidated Home


I started these conf calls two years ago due to the plandemic. I have NEVER in 40 years EVER
asked for ANY donations. This is the first time I am asking for any donation as of Feb 2022.
I have NEVER charged for my services. EVER. My life has been devoted to protecting ‘victims.’
I am doing this because the need is too great everywhere. The cause is to save lives, our country
and help warriors in the fight. Wherever the need is, we will be there.
When you donate to this ministry you are also helping me stay afloat, and
 to help fight homelessness and those with urgent needs.
We DO NOT receive ANY government support.
Look for DONATION TOP TAP on the HOMEPAGE of this site or
on the right-hand side of this website CATEGORY SECTION
look for DONATIONS
Thank you in advance for your support to this ministry
In HIS Service:
Chaplain Rebecca

Please see pictures of dilapidated home on this page. This project has a deadline. The city is making a decision to board up this home on August 28th, 2021. We have to come up with the funds to demolish and rebuild this elderly poor man’s home. He lives in this home now.

These pictures were taken by the Department Of Code Enforcement where this individual lives. The name of this individual will be kept private.

Please pray we can raise the funds to demolish this home and rebuild him a new one before the city boards it up and this man is left to be homeless.

Our goal is to STOP homelessness.

If you feel led to help us with this project, please know that your donation will be tax deductible and you will have helped a poor man. You will be blessed as the LORD has spoken in HIS WORD.

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