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7/27/24 Day 39 -The Chronological Study of the Bible for 61 Saturday’s

JOIN US THIS SATURDAY July 27th, 2024 FOR OUR WORLDWIDE SERVICE CALL TOPIC: Teachings of Jesus (Luke 4-6, Mark 2-4) WHEN? July 27th, 2024 WHAT TIME? 3 PM PACIFIC Time 4 PM Mountain Time  5 PM CENTRAL Time  6 PM EASTERN Time     WORLDWIDE CONFERENCE CALL NUMBER: 1-774-258-4253   (NO ACCESS CODE NEEDED) *{If […]

Dr. Rima Laibow’s Interview with Jesse Ventura: Depopulation via Vaccination click below video for Advanced Medical Directive Cards Combinations

  Advance Medical Directive Cards Combinations


As of January 2021 click the title to see all of President Trump’s Accomplishments President Trump’s Administration Accomplishments 

DR. RIMA – URGENT INVITATION TO ALL AMERICANS – click link PREVENT GENOCIDE below video 💥 Hagman Report: Rima Laibow Reveals the Nefarious Plans of the World Health Organization (WHO) Plans for Global Dictatorship With Their “Pandemic Treaty”


Brigitte Gabriel’s Warning: The Shocking Truth About What Lies Ahead for America – click link below video – Join ACT FOR AMERICA

  ACT FOR AMERICA   WARNING Butler Co. Sheriff addresses the nation with a warning for all USA citizens!   Sheriff will Deputize “10’s of thousands” to Maintain their Firearms should Congress Betray the People on 2A   Sheriff Richard Mack, Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association CSPOA

“The Great Disappearance” – Coming this Fall

13 Herbs that Support Respiratory Function, and Why Even Healthy People May Want Them

BECAUSE HE LIVES (Hebrew and English!) LIVE at the Garden Tomb, Jerusalem Easter

Judgment is Coming; Draw Near to God! Rev. David Wilkerson Prophecy Sermon

Big Pharma: We Now have a “CHRISTIAN Vaccine”; Mass Murderers Target Christians With “NovaVax”

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